
Do you own your intellectual property?

Understanding your intellectual property rights is crucial for your business. Many clients are surprised to learn they may not fully own their intangible assets. Common misconceptions arise, such as assuming your company automatically owns IP rights if you paid a third party to develop an asset, but your agreement might say otherwise. Knowing your IP ownership is vital, especially when selling your business or shares. Without clear legal ownership, your commercial position and bargaining power could be compromised.

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Is my worker an employee or an independent contractor?

There have been new developments in determining employee vs. independent contractor status. Following recent High Court decisions, from 26 August 2024, courts will assess the real substance and true nature of the relationship, considering both the written agreement and its practical execution. Review our breakdown of these changes to ensure your agreements reflect the true nature of the relationship.

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Do you have a Shareholders Agreement?

A Shareholders Agreement is an essential aspect of any business company operating with more than one shareholder. Serving as a key governance manual, a Shareholder Agreement becomes particularly crucial if you’re a sole shareholder planning to bring in additional shareholders like an investors.
Learn why a custom, well-drafted shareholders agreement is a valuable tool to protect your business.

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Concussion in Sport Update

Earlier this year, the Australian Concussion Guidelines for Youth and Community Sport was published, offering strategies for recognising and managing concussions in underage and community sports. Also published was the Concussion and Brain Health Statement 2024 which includes a return-to-play framework for elite athletes. While not mandatory, these recommendations aim to enhance safety across all sports, both mitigating litigation risks and prioritising participant welfare.

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