
The Implications of the 2024-25 Federal Budget on Skilled Migration

The announcements in the 2024-25 Federal Budget indicate a continuation of existing themes within the migration system, with few substantial reforms introduced. Nonetheless, noteworthy adjustments pertaining to skilled worker migration have been unveiled. Corina Chen, Migration Partner, has outlined the key aspects relevant to skilled worker migration.

  • The permanent Migration Program planning level for the year is set at 185,000 places, with approximately 70% allocated to the Skill stream, reflecting a focus on supporting in-demand skills.
  • Starting from 2025–26, the Migration Program planning horizon will extend from one year to four years, showing the government’s commitment to addressing long-term skill needs.
  • The government aims to streamline the Temporary Skill Shortage (Subclass 482) Visa process by reducing the work experience requirement from two years to one year for all applicants, effective from 23 November 2024.

Overall, the Budget’s migration provisions signal a commitment to maintaining a skilled migration program that is responsive to both short-term labour needs and long-term workforce requirements. These measures are designed to ensure that Australia remains competitive in attracting talented individuals while addressing immediate skill shortages to support economic growth and development.

If you’re a business that needs guidance as it relates to these changes, please don’t hesitate to contact Mullins for support.

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