
Leasing, liquor and gaming: complex transaction comes together for client’s greenfield site

My client was acquiring a leasehold interest in an existing tavern business and neighbouring greenfield liquor barn site with all necessary regulatory approvals in place to enable construction and subsequent operation of a liquor store.

It was a complex transaction, with four parties involved – the vendor of the existing tavern business, the owner of the tavern land, the owner of the liquor store land and my client as the buyer. There were also several regulatory approvals to be obtained, in a set order, to achieve the desired outcome.

With a to-do list a mile long, I worked through the various pieces of advice, negotiations, lease documentation, new applications, licence transfers and approvals. In the end, the settlement went through, with the new lease in place, amalgamation of lots completed, easements in place between the two sites, liquor approval and new lease of the liquor store on foot allowing its construction on the neighbouring land.

My client completed the construction project in accordance with the lease and licensing approval; and the liquor store began trading soon after. It’s the valuable combination of leasing, liquor and gaming expertise that sets my team apart in these transactions.

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